Upside Down Studios

Turning traditional games on their head.

Tired of having to pay $300 for a game console? $60 for a new game? So are we. Upside Down Studios seeks to solve this terrible dilemma with an ingenious system.

How does it work?

Upside Down Studios works by having a computer application that runs games. No need to buy a silly Nintendo Switch or $500 XBox. Make a game console from your own computer without paying $60 for every game.


Upside Down Studios can be purchased at the low price of free.

Controllers and Input

Attach any major game system controller, such as PS4/5, Nintendo Switch, or Xbox, and then play the game. Conversely, you can just use the traditional mouse and arrow keys/WASD.

Operating Systems Supported

Windows is only currently supported, but Mac builds will come soon as well. Linux may also be supported in the future.


Make a Unity game and send it to us via github, or through our email at

Game Catalogue

View our game catalogue for a list of games. If you have an idea you want to pitch, send it via github or at


Download Now

Latest Version: 0.0.1a (Alpha)

Previous Versions

Want a previous version of Upside Down Studios? Check out our builds page on the (repositry)[].